
I just got in from a panel discussion at the U of S, featuring some past grads who presently work in the games industry. Among them were two local indies and two individuals working for bigger companies. Given the almost exclusive attention I pay to a particular brand of indie development, it was enlightening to hear how varied the opinions of the panel were.

From those who got into games for the money (!) to those who look solely at statistics of play, my take-home message was one of varied perspective. Each member of that panel was coming from a different place, and each working towards another entirely. That games exist in the field where these paths cross almost seems incidental. But it highlighted for me how true it is that there is no archetypal “gamer” just as there is no archetypal “person who makes games” or “indie developer.” Each of us has a different interest in games, a different vision for what makes a game worthwhile, and a different idea of how to best achieve that.

All this serves as a good reminder in my own development that rather than looking for “the one true path,” seeking what people will respond to or what others have done well with, the best way forward is again: just make games. Make strange games make beautiful games make broken games.  Make your games. Nobody else can. </cheese>

P.S. I’m still working on that strange little Wax Mannequin-inspired project. No telling just yet. Tomorrow most likely.

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